Vampire Master

From Unofficial How To Play
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The Vampire Master is night immune and can choose to kill or recruit at night. Unlike the Vampire, the Vampire Master can recruit up to three Familiars per game. They can only recruit Village players and only if they are not protected. The Familiar can be a Gravedigger, Militia orStalker variant for the Vampire.

If they are killed, they will be revived into the body of their oldest still surviving Familiar during the following morning.

The maximum number of recruits a Vampire Master can recruit is determined by the starting number of players.

  • 0-8 Players: 0 Recruits
  • 9-12 Players: 1 Recruit
  • 13-16 Players: 2 Recruits
  • 17+ Players: 3 Recruits

Role Attributes
Their Win Condition is the same as: Vampires
Alignment checks will show this role as: Vampires
Their Parity Contribution is towards: Vampires
Is their Witchcraft status reported as a witchcraft user: No
Is their Killer Status reported as killer: Yes
Can they be seen Visting another player with any of their abilities: Yes
Are they capable of Self-Visting: No
Does this role have an ability that can be Role-Blocked: No
Can the ability of this role be Redirected: No
Is this role Night Immune: Yes
Is this role available in the shop for all private hosts: {{{hoststatus}}}
Is this role included in wlf games: {{{wlfstatus}}}

The cards that could be drawn for this role by any role or item that deals with tarot cards are:

Tarot Cards
Their alignment card is: Shadow
Their killer card is: Death
Their witchcraft card is: Labourer

Role Text

This information is missing, if you are able to add it please do so

Ability message

During the night, you can toggle between killing your target or recruiting them. You will receive the following messages depending on which option you have chosen:

You will enslave tonight's target as your familiar
Tonight you will enslave <Avatar Name>

In the morning, the target of the Vampire receives the following message:

You belong to me, now

Useful Notes

  • You cannot be purged (such as by an Alchemist) and you can be redirected (such as by a Succubus).
  • If your target is protected by a Huntsman, they will still die but you will survive.
  • You cannot recruit other evil players. If you try, you will instead kill your target (you will not lose your recruit chance).
  • You can recruit village players who are in a Village sub-faction (such as the Masons).
  • You win as soon as you reach parity with the surviving players, even if there are other evil players still alive.
  • When you are revived because of your Familiar, there will be no public message for the village.
  • If you are lynched, you will be in the graveyard for one night, thus missing the chance to perform any actions during that night.
  • If the game has multiple Vampire Masters, each one is it's own separate team (often referred to as a "basement").