
From Unofficial werewolv.es How To Play
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The Harlot is able to visit one player each night and see if any other players also visit that player.

Role Attributes
Their Win Condition is the same as: Village
Alignment checks will show this role as: Village
Their Parity Contribution is towards: Village
Is their Witchcraft status reported as a witchcraft user: No
Is their Killer Status reported as killer: No
Can they be seen Visting another player with any of their abilities: Yes
Are they capable of Self-Visting: No
Does this role have an ability that can be Role-Blocked: Yes
Can the ability of this role be Redirected: Yes
Is this role Night Immune: No
Is this role available in the shop for all private hosts: {{{hoststatus}}}
Is this role included in wlf games: {{{wlfstatus}}}

The cards that could be drawn for this role by any role or item that deals with tarot cards are:

Tarot Cards
Their alignment card is: Dove
Their killer card is: Dove
Their witchcraft card is: Labourer

Role Text

You are a Harlot. Once per night you can see everyone that visits a player.
Lynch all evil doers
Special Abilities
Once per night you can see everyone that visited a player (If your target is the werewolves victim, you will only see one of the wolves as a visitor)

Ability Message

When you choose your target for the night, you will receive the following message:

Tonight you will see who visits <Avatar Name>

You receive the result of your check in the morning. If there are no other visitors, you will receive the following message:

<Avatar Name> was not visited by anyone last night

If there are visitors, you will receive the following message for each visitor (so you may see this message multiple times):

<Avatar Name> was visited last night by <Visitor Name>

Useful Notes

  • The Harlot is the only role able to see self-visits. This can be used to confirm certain roles, or spot a Shapeshifer in the act of shifting (although you will not be able to see where they go).
  • You cannot visit the same player twice in a row.
  • If you visit the player who is also the target of the Wolfpack you will only see the killing wolf visit, not the entire pack.
  • Using an Item on a player is seen as a visit. Therefore, you will also see items being used in addition to roles.


Drunk Harlot

The Drunk Harlot functions exactly the same as a normal Harlot except they are under the effects of inebriation so they may not always receive their check in the morning.

Role Text

You are a Drunk Harlot. You may check a player each night to see who else visits them. You will probably take a nice bottle of wine around... or vodka. Whatever you can get your hands on really.
Lynch all evil doers
Special Abilities
Once per night you can see everyone that visits a player.
Sometimes you'll wake up forget what you saw - probably for the best.

Ability Message

When you select a target, you will receive the following message:

Tonight you will see who visits <Avatar Name> - as long as you don't get too tipsy

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