Novice Seer

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The Novice Seer

The Novice Seer is an aspiring Seer who hasn't yet honed their skills. Instead of seeing a players alignment this information is instead converted to whether someone is "Trustworthy" or "Untrustworthy". Because they are still a novice, there is a 33% chance to receive a false positive on an evil, seeing them as "trustworthy" when they are not.

Role Attributes
Their Win Condition is the same as: Village
Alignment checks will show this role as: Village
Their Parity Contribution is towards: Village
Is their Witchcraft status reported as a witchcraft user: Yes
Is their Killer Status reported as killer: No
Can they be seen Visting another player with any of their abilities: Yes
Are they capable of Self-Visting: No
Does this role have an ability that can be Role-Blocked: Yes
Can the ability of this role be Redirected: Yes
Is this role Night Immune: No
Is this role available in the shop for all private hosts: Yes
Is this role included in wlf games: Yes

The cards that could be drawn for this role by any role or item that deals with tarot cards are:

Tarot Cards
Their alignment card is: Dove
Their killer card is: Dove
Their witchcraft card is: Magician

Role Text

You are a Novice Seer. You have the gift of second sight but have not fully mastered it yet.
Eliminate all evil doers
Members of the village will be shown to you as trustworthy, all evil factions or neutrals will be shown as untrustworthy. You will not see any faction alignment
False negatives such as Lycans and false positives such as Direwolves will affect you the in same way as a normal Seer
You have a one in three chance of getting a false positive (trustworthy) check from an evil or neutral player

Ability message

You feel that last night's check is untrustworthy/trustworthy

Useful Notes

  • Whilst the information given back to the player is not an Alignment report, the role still performs an alignment check as their ability. This means that the read can be influenced by anything that is able to alter the reported alignment of a player. See Alignment: Check Modifiers.