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|visitingstatus=No (the Puppets can be seen visiting)
|selfvisitingstatus=No (the Puppets can accidentally visit their owner)

Revision as of 20:16, 15 October 2023

The Toymaker starts the game with two Puppets which he can freely switch between during the day and talk through as if they were real players. Each night, the Toymaker can send his Puppets to guard a single player at night by intercepting all visits, which includes kills, checks, item uses and passes. Both Puppets have an independent 50/50 chance to either go to their intended target, or visit one of the neighbours of their target. The Puppets can also be used to vote, but their votes count as 0. When checked by a Seer, the Puppets are seen as Coven-aligned.

Role Attributes
Their Win Condition is the same as: Village
Alignment checks will show this role as: Village
Their Parity Contribution is towards: Village
Is their Witchcraft status reported as a witchcraft user: No
Is their Killer Status reported as killer: No
Can they be seen Visting another player with any of their abilities: No (the Puppets can be seen visiting)
Are they capable of Self-Visting: No (the Puppets can accidentally visit their owner)
Does this role have an ability that can be Role-Blocked: No
Can the ability of this role be Redirected: No
Is this role Night Immune: No
Is this role available in the shop for all private hosts: Yes
Is this role included in wlf games: No

The cards that could be drawn for this role by any role or item that deals with tarot cards are:

Tarot Cards
Their alignment card is: Dove
Their killer card is: Dove
Their witchcraft card is: Labourer

Role Text

You are a Toymaker, you can send your creations to stand guard outside players at night, and chat with them during the day.

Eliminate all evil doers
You start with two puppets that you can swap identity with during the day time
Your puppets can vote, but they carry a weight of 0
At night you can send all your puppets to guard a player
Each puppet has a 50% chance of staying put at the target and a 50% chance of straying to a random neighbour of the target
The puppets will intercept all visits to the player they end up guarding, including kills, intel checks, item uses and item passes
Your puppets will be viewed as Coven-aligned
You do not use witchcraft and are not viewed as a killer

Ability Messages

When the Toymaker switches identities:

Your identity has been swapped

When the Toymaker sends puppets:

Tonight you send your toys to guard <AvatarName>

Useful Notes

  • The Puppets are independent so it is possible for only one puppet to stray to a neighbour, while the other stays at the intended target, or for both to visit the same neighbour, or even for both to visit separate neighbours.
  • While they can vote, a Puppet's vote is worth 0 votes when checking who is to be lynched.
  • If the Toymaker is lynched, the Puppets will die the following night.
  • If the Toymaker is killed during the night, the Puppets will still be around during the day (but unable to talk) and will die the following night.
  • A Toymaker cannot control a dead Puppet (and therefore Puppets never talk in the graveyard). If a Puppet is revived and the Toymaker still lives, they can resume control of the Puppet.