ArcaneWorkings 14P
Setup name: | ArcaneWorkings |
Number of Players: | 14 |
Complexity Rating: | 7 |
Number of Village team: | 11 |
Number of Wolfpack team: | 3 |
Number of Bloodmoon Cult: | 0 |
Guaranteed Village team roles: | Villager |
Possible Village team roles: | Arcane Watcher, Arcane Weaver, Arcanist, Night Warden, Protector |
Guaranteed Wolfpack team roles: | Shapeshifter |
Possible Wolfpack team roles: | Bloodhound |
Guaranteed Bloodmoon Cult roles: | None |
Possible Bloodmoon Cult roles: | None |
Guaranteed Items in game: | None |
Possible Items in game: | Magi's Circlet, Staff of Bedazzlement, Thief's Cowl, Veil of Shadows, Potion of Incrimination, Potion of Invisibility, Potion of Weakness, Potion of Protection, Potion of Weakness, Regular Tarot Cards, War Hammer |
Guaranteed Auras in game: | None |
Possible Auras in game: | None |
Moderator Text
3 Roles have been drawn from the following bag: { Bloodhound, Shapeshifter (x3) }
3 Roles have been drawn from the following bag: { ArcaneWatcher (x2), ArcaneWeaver (x2), Arcanist }
8 Roles have been drawn from the following bag: { NightWarden, Protector, Villager (x8) }
For each village power-role (X) drawn, the wolves will draw (X/2) (rounded down) items from the following bag: {MagisCirclet, StaffOfBedazzlement, ThiefsCowl, VeilOfShadows}
For each village power-role (X) drawn, the wolves will draw (X+5) items from the following bag: {PotionOfIncrimination (x4), PotionOfInvisibility (x4), PotionOfWeakness (x4)}
For each Villager (X) drawn, the village will draw (X-2) items from the following bag: {PotionOfProtection (x3), PotionOfWeakness (x3), TarotCards (x3), WarHammer
The village has 3 roles chosen from the following bag:
Arcane Watcher |
Arcane Watcher |
Arcane Weaver |
Arcane Weaver |
Arcanist |
The village also has 8 roles chosen from the following bag:
Night Warden | Protector |
Villager | Villager |
Villager | Villager |
Villager | Villager |
Villager | Villager |
The Wolfpack has 3 roles chosen from the following bag:
Bloodhound |
Shapeshifter |
Shapeshifter |
Shapeshifter |
The items in this game are set by the number of power roles drawn from the Village bags. This will be between 3-5 dependant on the roles drawn from the second Village bag.
Village Items
The Village will draw two fewer items than the total number of Villagers (minimum 4, maximum 6) from the following bag:
Potion of Protection | Potion of Protection |
Potion of Protection | Potion of Weakness |
Potion of Weakness | Potion of Weakness |
Regular Tarot Cards | Regular Tarot Cards |
Regular Tarot Cards | War Hammer |
Wolfpack Items
The Wolfpack will draw half as many items as the number of power roles (rounded down, so 1-2) from the following bag:
Magi's Circlet |
Staff of Bedazzlement |
Thief's Cowl |
Veil of Shadows |
The Wolfpack will also draw five more items than the total number of power roles (8-10) from the following bag:
Setup Explained
This is a more complex example of a common style of wlf setup, using the concepts of bags of roles and items, from which a portion of each will be in the game. Because it is unclear what roles and items are actually in the game there is ambiguity about whether a claimed role is true or false.
The Wolves have additional information about how many power roles are in the game based upon the number of items they receive and so can be certain if both or neither of the Protector and Night Warden are in the game if they receive ten or eight items from the potions bag, but not which if they receive nine.
There are at least two Shapeshifters in the setup, so the avatar that appears to die may not always be the legitimate Wolfpack kill.
There are no Village roles that can interact with the graveyard, so it is impossible for the village to be certain what roles have died.
The Village may have none, one or two protection roles with the Protector and Night Warden both being possible to exist, and can try to determine more information by sharing information about items they may have started with.
Almost all of the intel in this setup is based on tarot cards, and so trying to be familiar with the different types of cards and what cards mean will help newer players.
The potential existence of potions of incrimination, the staff of bedazzlement and the veil of shadows mean that some people may have their cards temporarily or permanently altered, and this should be considered when trying to piece together any intel claimed.