
From Unofficial werewolv.es How To Play
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The Tumultum is a single use item that will force everyone in the game to randomly visit someone else whilst also being given a report into who visited them. Essentially it temporarily gives every player the ability of a Sleepwalker and Insomniac at the same time.

Item Attributes
This item is: Consumable
This item is: Activated
This item affects Alignment checks of the holder to show as: No Change
Is this item craftable by another role or item: No
Does this item make the holder look like a Witchcraft user: No
Does this item make the holder look like a killer: No
Does using this item cause the player to be seen Visiting another player: No
Can this item be used on yourself, or when activated, produces a self-visit: Yes
Can the ability of this item be Item-Blocked: Yes
Does this item affect Night Immune targets: Yes
Is this item available in the shop to all private hosts: Yes
Is this item included in wlf games: No

The aura that a player holding this item presents to an Aura Seer would be:

Auras Present

Item Text

The Tumultum is an ancient device that looks like a brass instrument. Once per game it can be blown. It will disrupt the sleep of everyone in the village - giving everyone a random extra visit and the power of an insomniac that night.

Usage Text

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Useful Notes

  • This item was originally known as the "Forbidden Tuba".