Mercurial Caduceus

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The Mercurial Caduceus can be used on any player to force 3 words to auto-correct to anything the user desires.

Item Attributes
This item is: Persistent
This item is: Activated
This item affects Alignment checks of the holder to show as: No Change
Is this item craftable by another role or item: No
Does this item make the holder look like a Witchcraft user: No
Does this item make the holder look like a killer: No
Does using this item cause the player to be seen Visiting another player: Yes
Can this item be used on yourself, or when activated, produces a self-visit: Yes
Can the ability of this item be Item-Blocked: No
Does this item affect Night Immune targets: Yes
Is this item available in the shop to all private hosts: No
Is this item included in wlf games: No

The aura that a player holding this item presents to an Aura Seer would be:

Auras Present

Item Text

A short marble staff entwined by two ornate serpents. Legends say it was originally wielded by a messenger of the gods and still holds power over communication. If sporadic.
The serpent's scales appear to be made from thousands of rubies, expertly and intricately set in a golden weave like a tapestry of gemstones.
However, if you marvel at the beauty of the workmanship, you might start think the gems are actually citrine or possibly amber. Stare for a little longer and perhaps even you'll swear there are some emeralds.
Search for the rubies that original drew your attention and you will find only sapphires. Sapphires that slowly - almost imperceivably - yield their blue to amythest.
Ask a friend to confirm your sanity for a second and they'll either call you colour blind or question your sobriety. Are you sure those were oyster mushrooms you had on your pizza?

Usage Text

Tonight you will use your Mercurial Caduceus on <AvatarName> - the next three messages you send will set the corrections, in the form of 'original_word new_word'
Auto-Corrections for <AvatarName> have been set to '<original_word>' -> '<new_word>'

Useful Notes