Tyr's Shield

From Unofficial werewolv.es How To Play
Revision as of 14:20, 8 September 2024 by DiamondDove (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Hammer of Desolation can be used each night to destroy all Items a targeted player is holding {{iteminfo |itemconsumestatus=Persistent |itempassivestatus=Passive |itemalignmentstatus=No Change |itemcraftingstatus=No |itemwitchcraftstatus=No |itemkillerstatus=No |itemvisitingstatus=No |itemselfvisitingstatus=No |itemblockedstatus=Yes |itemnightimmunestatus=Yes |itemhoststatus=Yes |itemwlfstatus=No }} <br /> The aura that a player holding this item prese...")
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The Hammer of Desolation can be used each night to destroy all Items a targeted player is holding

Item Attributes
This item is: Persistent
This item is: Passive
This item affects Alignment checks of the holder to show as: No Change
Is this item craftable by another role or item: No
Does this item make the holder look like a Witchcraft user: No
Does this item make the holder look like a killer: No
Does using this item cause the player to be seen Visiting another player: No
Can this item be used on yourself, or when activated, produces a self-visit: No
Can the ability of this item be Item-Blocked: Yes
Does this item affect Night Immune targets: Yes
Is this item available in the shop to all private hosts: Yes
Is this item included in wlf games: No

The aura that a player holding this item presents to an Aura Seer would be:

Auras Present

Item Text

This item allows the player that posses it to direct the will of Tyr
Using any of the options available will deplete the Power that Tyr has available
Stronger options will be made available as Tyr gains more Power
You do not have to use any option, but if you do the result may be announced in the morning (but not who triggered it)
This item automatically passes to the living player with the most influence at the start of the day
This item cannot be passed, stolen or destroyed
Tyr currently has (#) Power
You have the following options available:
- Permanently increase the Influence gained by (#) for everyone ending the day with zero execution votes
- Double the Influence gained by everyone tomorrow
- Publicly reveal the role of any player executed tomorrow
- Force two players to be executed tomorrow
(2) Increase zero-vote gain [pick]
(2) Double Influence tomorrow [pick]
(3) Reveal executed role [pick]
(5) Execute two players [pick]
Cancel Use [pick]

Usage Text


Useful Notes

  • Costs and options may vary.