Demonic Eye

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The Demonic eye is an item that shows the holder the players that are currently Blighted at Night. It also grants you the ability to remove one Blight per night by using the item.

Item Attributes
This item is: Persistent
This item is: Active
This item affects Alignment checks of the holder to show as: No Change
Is this item craftable by another role or item: No
Does this item make the holder look like a Witchcraft user: No
Does this item make the holder look like a killer: No
Does using this item cause the player to be seen Visiting another player: Yes
Can this item be used on yourself, or when activated, produces a self-visit: Yes
Can the ability of this item be Item-Blocked: Yes
Does this item affect Night Immune targets: Yes
Is this item available in the shop to all private hosts: No
Is this item included in wlf games: No

The aura that a player holding this item presents to an Aura Seer would be:

Auras Present

Item Text

The Demonic Eye is a glowing green jewel. Those that hold it feel an immediate compulsion to drive it into their eye socket, where it takes on the form of a human eye with a deep green iris.
The Eye grants them the ability to see those who are blighted, and the power remove blight from one player per night.

Usage Text

When unblighting a player you will see:

Tonight you will remove the blight from <AvatarName>

Useful Notes

  • The Demonic Eye functions as one third of the Demons' power, in that it can see which players are currently Blighted, although Demons cannot remove Blights as you can with the Eye.