BerserkerEnduringVillagers 14p
BerserkerEnduringVillagers is a 14 player setup, with a complexity rating of 8/10.
Possible Roles
Possible Items
Possible Auras
Moderator Text
The wolfpack have 3 Berserkers
The village have an Arcanist, a NightWarden and a Protector
The rest of the village has been drawn from the following bag: Agitator, Gravedigger, Militia (HasAncestralLycanthropy) (x4), Villager (Enduring) (x7)
Every Militia has the AncestralLycanthropy Aura - so they will match with a Berserker from an Arcanist check
Every plain Villager has the Enduring Aura - they will survive one night attack OR Execution
The wolves have drawn X items from the following bag, where X is the number of village power roles: PotionOfClarity (x2), PotionOfIncrimination (x2), PotionOfTenacity (x2), PotionOfTransference (x2), PotionOfWeakness (x2)
The wolves have drawn Y items from the following bag, where Y is half the number of plain Villagers (rounded down): Concitiorum, IronCollar, PotionOfRestoration (x2), WarHammer