WitchDoctorBased 14P

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Setup Details
Setup name: WitchDoctorBased
Number of Players: 14
Complexity Rating: 7
Number of Village team: 10
Number of Wolfpack team: 3
Number of Bloodmoon Cult: 1
Guaranteed Village team roles: Diviner, Gravedigger, Huntsman, Villager, Witch Doctor
Possible Village team roles: None
Guaranteed Wolfpack team roles: Alphawolf, Shapeshifter
Possible Wolfpack team roles: None
Guaranteed Bloodmoon Cult roles: Cult Follower
Possible Bloodmoon Cult roles: None
Guaranteed Items in game: Poisoned Darts, Potion of Protection, Potion of Weakness
Possible Items in game: Potion of Cleansing
Guaranteed Auras in game: None
Possible Auras in game: None

Moderator Text

There are 3 wolfpack members, 1 member of the Bloodmoon Cult and 10 members of the village.

The wolfpack have an Alphawolf and 2 Shapeshifters.

The Bloodmoon Cult have a Cult Follower armed with Poisoned Darts

The village has a Diviner, Gravedigger, Huntsman and a WitchDoctor. The rest are villagers.

7 items have been drawn and randomly distributed to any player from: {PotionOfCleansing (x2), PotionOfProtection (x4), PotionOfWeakness (x4)}


Role Count
Diviner 1
Gravedigger 1
Huntsman 1
Villager 6
Witch Doctor 1
Role Count
Alphawolf 1
Shapeshifter 2
Bloodmoon Cult
Role Count
Cult Follower 1


The Cult Follower starts with Poisoned Darts.

7 items have been drawn from the following bag and given to 7 random players from all players:

Potion of Cleansing Potion of Cleansing
Potion of Protection Potion of Protection
Potion of Protection Potion of Protection
Potion of Weakness Potion of Weakness
Potion of Weakness Potion of Weakness



Setup Explained

This is an example of a common style of wlf setup, introducing the concepts of bags of items, a portion of which will be in the game. Because it is unclear what items are actually in the game, and whether they are being held by Village or Wolfpack players, there is ambiguity about whether a claimed item is true or false.

The Cult Follower will not know who the Wolves are and can accidentally poison a teammate if they target them.

There are two Shapeshifters in the setup, so the avatar that appears to die may not always be the legitimate wolfpack kill.

The Diviner is trying to find magic users to try to identify if someone doesn't claim the Witchcraft status, or claims to be able to use Witchcraft when they can't. The Shapeshifters, Protector and Witch Doctor all use Witchcraft. The Diviner cannot include themselves in their check or they will be blocked so should never check one of their neighbours.

The Witch Doctor can bring two people back from the dead, so players should continue to check the game after they die. Evil players should also not confess in the graveyard, as this information may be brought back to the living. Shapeshifting is also risky, as someone may come back to claim where the shifter now is living.