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OmegaBlocks is a 5 player setup, with a complexity rating of 7/10.

Possible Roles






Possible Items

Potion of Protection

Potion of Weakness

Possible Auras




Moderator Text

4 Village roles have been drawn from the following bag: { Sleepwalker, Villager (x4) }

5 Items have been drawn from the following bag: { PotionOfProtection (x3), PotionOfWeakness (x2) }

3 Auras have been drawn from the following bag: { Spellbound (x2), Tenacious (x2) }

Every villager/sleepwalker is Enduring

There is an Omegawolf

Setup Explained

This setup will generally only last 1-2 days.

The Omegawolf will try to kill their targeted player at night, and will also kill any player who visits that target.

All players who are told they are Villagers will need to bear in mind that they could actually be a Sleepwalker instead, as all Sleepwalkers are told that they are Villagers. If there is a Sleepwalker in the game, they are likely to visit the target of the night kill, increasing the chances that the Sleepwalker will be killed also.

The potion of protection is intended to either protect players from dying at night.

The potion of weakness can be used to discover if a player can be blocked; a blocked player receives a message informing them that they were blocked that night, unless they are Night Immune, like the Omegawolf. If the potion of weakness is used on the Omegawolf, that player will be unaware that they have been blocked. This can be used to try to discover who can or can't see the block, thus potentially finding the Omegawolf.

The Spellbound aura will cause a player to act in the same way as the Sleepwalker, they will randomly visit a player, and be more likely to visit the nightkill target.

The Tenacious aura means that you are immune to blocks, so you would not see if a potion of weakness had been used on you.

The Enduring aura means that the first time a player would normally die, they will instead survive. This will mean that nobody dies on the first night, and can also be used to test whether a player is a villager, as if they survive being voted out of the village, you know the player is not the Omegawolf.