From Unofficial werewolv.es How To Play
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KDM games are a type of game that use the Influence and Deity mechanics, along with numerous roles and items to complement these mechanisms. They were first introduced in [EXT-000] and are an ongoing developing feature. Therefore any information on these mechanisms and this game type is subject to change and can't be 100% relied upon.


In this gametype the majority of players start as the base role of their faction - Villager, Werewolf or Acolyte. Through the course of the game players of all factions are trying to gain Influence which they can use to exchange for a power role or an item.

Players gain passive influence each day through things such as having zero votes on them at the end of the day, but there are ways that players can gain influence in addition to this through various roles and items. Every player is given the item Vote of Confidence which can be used to add influence to a specific player each night. This means players in evil factions can gain influence at a greater rate as they know who they can give their confidence to.

Each faction has a Deity that is aligned to them. Known deities are Tyr for the Village, Fenrir for the Wolfpack and Loki for the Coven. Fenrir and Loki, like their factions, are battling to defeat Tyr and the Village. Choices the village make and game state determine the base power of a deity each night. Deities will Battle if either of Fenrir or Loki's base power exceeds Tyr's power (the highest evil faction fights Tyr). The village are informed through a moderator message of the pending fight. That night influence can be spent to boost one of the two sides in the battle. Additionally a choice is made by a holder of special items that are specific to each deity who will decide what their god will do if victorious. Battles are detailed more on the Deity page.

In addition to each faction are neutral players called Aristocrats. These players gain 2x influence from effects but do not belong to any particular faction. When a god challenegs to Tyr to a battle they are given the option to join that faction and start earning influence/buying roles for that faction. To join the village the aristocrats need to have the most influence and the current Monarch dies. Until they join a faction they can only buy items with influence. Each night the aristocrat can choose a player to find out how much influence they have. The Monarch starts as village and gets 3x influence from effects. They are able to give influence to players as part of their role.

Useful pages to look at

The following articles may be helpful to familiarise yourself with:



