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Influence is a mechanic introduced that acts a currency which allows players to buy roles and items for themselves, or Pledge to their faction's Deity. Players gain influence through a number of mechanisms and can then spend that influence to impact the game in different ways.

Things that give influence

  • Every player has a passive +1 influence each day
  • Aristocrats gain x2 influence and the Monarch gains x3 influence compared to a standard player
  • Vote of Confidence
  • Monarch ability

Things you can spend influence on

Pledging to a Deity

Each night, the Factions' Deities battle to achieve the most Influence pledged from their followers. The Deity with the most Influence remains in power, however can be usurped if another Faction's Deity gains control in the nightly Influence battle. Therefore, each Night Factions must decide whether they would like to accumulate Influence, spend Influence on items/roles, or Pledge to their Deity. They may have enough Influence to choose multiple of these options.