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The Unofficial "How To Play"

This is an unofficial guide to the online Werewolf game. It's community made and represents the collective game knowledge of the players. This means that not everything here can be considered "cannon" but is usually very accurate. New roles, items and mechanics are documented as they are encountered and may change significantly as they are developed, before being added to the official How to Play.

New players should start with the New Player Guide

If you are looking for information about a specific part of the game you can find that below:

You may also find these pages useful:

Editing the Wiki

It's especially helpful if you can add the role text, item text and the moderator messages from abilities and items to the relevant pages, as and when you get them.

To edit the wiki you will need an account and it's best if you follow the Style Guide to ensure your page/edits are consistent with the rest of the site.

Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.

Testing page to list scenarios to trial.