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List of Potential Auras

This page is marked as having information that is unknown or uncertain and needs discussion/clarification
See discussion page for details

Below is a list of auras that an be seen by the Aura Seer. (Some auras have the same name. It is unclear why at the moment)

List of Auras visible to the Aura Seer
Order Name Cause
1 Bloodmark Targeted by a Bloodletter
2 UnholyEavesdropper Holding a Hell Helm
3 ThreatOfRetribution Holding an Ankh of Retribution
4 AvatarOfRetribution Unknown
5 EnduringSpirit Holding an Ankh of Reincarnation
6 PossessingSpirit Holding an Ankh of Possession
11 RiteOfFenrir Targeted by a Blood Priest
13 BloodSoaked Unknown
14 Lycanthropy Unknown
15 DemonicEssence Holding an Abyssal Armour
16 HasAPointToMake Holding a Warspear
17 ItchyTriggerFinger Holding a Crossbow or a Rusty Crossbow
18 CarryingPoison Holding a Poisoned Darts
19 Paranoia Holding a Dagger of Paranoia
22 Lycanthropy Unknown
23 SecondChance Unknown
24 ReincarnationSpell Unknown
33 RunicAura Holding a Rune
34 Spellbound Targeted by a Temptress or a Staff of Bedazzlement
35 Whispers Targeted by a Hvisla Rune
55 Poisoned Targeted by a Poisoned Darts
64 Blessed Unknown
65 Decay Targeted by a Lich
66 DemonicDarkness Unknown
67 ContagiousBlight Unknown
68 Blighted Targeted by a Demon Lord
69 Inebriation Targeted by a Temptress or Potion of Inebriation
70 Damned Are a Damned role or a member of Bretheren of Blight
71 AbysmalProtection Holding an Abysmal Armour
72 Pollymorphed Forced avatar swap by a Potion of Pollymorph
73 SpittingFeathers Forced speech change by a Potion of Pollymorph
74 ImImmortl Forced speech change by an EssenceOfTheAncientOne
75 Crippled Caught by a Bear Trap
76 PrimedBearTrap Is protected by a Bear Trap
85 Resilience Targeted by a Potion of Resilience
88 Weakness Targeted by a Potion of Weakness
90 StrongNeck Holding an Iron Collar
91 PaxDemocracia Holding a Concitiorum
96 Shadow Unknown
97 StrengthOfFenrir Holding a Heart of Fenrir
98 Tenacity Holding a Ring of Tenacity
99 Shadow Holding a Veil of Shadows
100 MartyrsProtection Guarded by a Martyr's Crown
999 Vulnerability Targeted by a Potion of Vulnerability